When someone inquires about your agency what do you usually ask? Eg.
Location? Care Recipient Name? Gender? Age? Status? Condition? Level of Care? Type of assistance needed? How many hours per day or per week? Payment Method? How long does each step take? 1) Intake Interview 2) Care Assessment Process 3) Care Plan 4) Start Date. Please be as clear and as detailed as possible.
Eg. We verify your insurance by phone and we schedule your care assessment with a nurse. We take Private pay, Private insurance, Medicare, Minimum hours are.. etc.
-Is your agency licensed and certified?
-What type of insurance do you take?
-List of affiliated insurance
-Do you take medicare or medicaid?
-Are there prerequisites before the client could undergo the care assessment or the start of service?
-Pricing and pricing conditions
-Any additional information such as payment details for clients.
A proven offer, discount or virtual event that has worked for your agency. Eg. "THANK A VET" Discount Program.